Batman: Full Moon #4 - Coming Next Week
Batman: Full Moon #4
With the clock ticking down to zero, Batman travels deep into the Welsh highlands to undo the curse of the werewolf. But what awaits him will challenge his most deeply-held convictions. To lift the curse, he’ll have to choose: sacrifice his own life...or take another!
Catch up on Batman: Full Moon 1-3 now
An ancient and supernatural force stalks the streets of Gotham City—a Lycan so powerful it’ll defy Batman’s most trusted resources: his brilliant mind and extensive gadgetry. But are Batman’s physical strength and resilience alone enough to put the creature down for good? Or will this fight strip him down to his very bones? Even powerful magical allies like Zatanna caution that Bruce might not walk away from this one unscathed…Eisner-nominated writer Rodney Barnes (Killadelphia) and breakout artist Stevan Subic (The Riddler: Year One) tear into a horrific tale of pain and redemption as Batman meets his match: the werewolf of Gotham City!
Run, Fool - THE SLOP
A woman obsessed with the internet clicks a mysterious link and finds herself trapped in a terrifying digital nightmare that warps reality and won’t let her go.
Check out the latest episodes of Run, Fool! wherever you listen to your podcasts.
Darth Vader leads a team of ruthless Dark Jedi known as the Inquisitors - and they scour the galaxy on the hunt for Jedi knights!
Weapons of the Emperor sent out into the galaxy to track down and kill any Jedi who survived Order 66, the ruthless Inquisitors are among the most skilled and deadly threats to those who served the light side of the Force. But buried in the annals of Jedi lore is the story of Tensu Run, the Jedi knight who faced the Inquisitors and Darth Vader! What became of him, and why did the Empire so greatly fear his existence? Prepare to find out why Tensu Run is on Darth Vader’s most-wanted list—and what threat he poses to the Dark Lord!